Telegram is one of the rising social media platforms offering a massive feature among its users, especially regarding file sharing. Users can share videos, photos, and even document files with one click without risking the file's quality. That being said, Telegram has been used by millions of people worldwide. However, saving videos from this platform is not as easy as tapping the Download button, especially when files are sent through private channels. But fret not; in this post, we have curated the possible ways you can download Telegram videos on PC and other devices, covering the most fundamental download process up to utilizing third-party tools.
Part 1. How to Download Simple Telegram Video
With all the impressive features that the Telegram platform offers to its users, one major benefit of using Telegram is you can send unlimited videos and photos without losing the quality of your file when shared. On top of that, connecting to your friends is accessible using their phone numbers. While Telegram is one big platform that allows users to share data such as private videos, photos, and other files, you may also wish to locate the file sent to your device for offline consumption. The good news is that saving these files, especially those not encrypted privately, is easy. How do you download Telegram videos that are sent privately on your phone? Here is how.
الخطوة 1Open your Telegram application on your device and open the conversation box where the files are sent to you.
الخطوة 2Find the files as you scroll through the chats. Afterward, open the option by long-pressing the file. Alternatively, tap the three dots on the top of your screen.
الخطوه 3أخيرًا ، اضغط على حفظ في المعرض button and wait for the file to be in your folder.
Part 2. How to Download Videos on Private Telegram
Another alternative way to help you when private channels don't let you save videos from Telegram is through Telegram bots. These tiny applications are designed to help Telegram users with their needs, such as downloading private videos. In a nutshell, this automated program performs several functions using commands to target a user's specific need. Aside from grabbing private videos, it can help you play a song, send information, act as a reminder and more. Follow the guide below on how to download videos from Telegram's private channel.
الخطوة 1Go to Telegram and type the Telegram bot that caters to saving videos from private channels on the search box. Hit the first channel that appears on the results.
الخطوة 2Open the video you want to grab and hit the long press. Once the selection appears, tap the Copy link address.
الخطوه 3Now paste the video link into the Telegram bot, which shall process the file in a few seconds. Once the file appears, hit the ثلاث نقاط button and download the file.
Part 3. Download Private Telegram Videos with Chrome Extension
If you have to grab a video from private channels on Telegram, using different tools is your best option since Telegram would turn off the Download feature. With the help of a Chrome extension, you only need to secure one reliable extension like the Telegram Private Video Downloader. Aside from the fact that this tool is free, it also prevents users from unwanted registration and in-app subscription; all you need is a reliable internet to Telegram web download Chrome extension video. Moreover, this Telegram downloader boasts an intuitive interface that makes it a breezy process for beginners to download videos without the learning curve. Moreover, this extension tool lets you save and encrypt videos unlimitedly. Lastly, lets users save videos from Telegram to different output formats like MP4, 3GP and M4A.
الخطوة 1Head to your Chrome browser and click the إضافة إلى الكروم Telegram Private Video from the Chrome Store. Afterward, run the tool and install the extension.
الخطوة 2Now, open your Telegram and access the video you wish to grab.
الخطوه 3While the video is in play mode, click the تحميل button of the extension that will appear on the screen.
Part 4. Record Telegram Video in High Quality for Offline Watching
How about dealing with files that are easily obtained from Telegram? When the download option is disabled from your Telegram account, you may think there is no way you can save these files. Understanding Telegram's privacy and public options, you can still gather exclusive video from this platform using a screen recorder. That being said, AVAide مسجل الشاشة is a robust software that lets you seamlessly record Telegram and other computing activities on your PC. This tool is accessible on Mac and Windows devices and can capture screen activities up to 8K resolution, providing a clear and crisp Telegram video recording.
Moreover, it contains a wide range of impressive features like an annotation function that allows you to highlight and even add text to telegram videos in real-time. Not only that, this tool guarantees not only capturing your screen but also the system sound and microphone. So, if you wish to know how to download Telegram videos that are not downloadable, here is what you should do with the help of AVAide Screen Recorder.
الخطوة 1Install the Telegram Screen Grabber
ضرب تحميل button below to see which one suits your operating system. Afterward, double-click the installer to run and launch the tool.
جربها مجانا لنظام التشغيل Windows 7 أو أحدث
جربها مجانا لنظام التشغيل Mac OS X 10.13 أو الإصدارات الأحدث
الخطوة 2حدد تفضيلات التسجيل
You can see the recording options list on the AVAide Screen Recorder's main screen. First, hit the فيديو button and select the frame ratio of your choice. Afterward, toggle على ال صوت النظام to capture the file's audio.
الخطوه 3Record Telegram Video
Now it is time to get a Telegram-restricted video download. Hit the يبدأ button on the program after selecting your recording options and open your Telegram app. Go to the video you wish to download and play the file.
الخطوة 4حفظ الإخراج
Once you are done playing the video, hit the قف button to adjourn the recording. AVAide Screen Recorder automatically saves your file, and you can tick the Preview button to check your videos.
There are the most efficient ways to overcome Telegram-restricted video downloads. You will grab the video for offline consumption with the tools mentioned in this walkthrough. However, with AVAide Screen Recorder, you can safely record your Telegram videos and make creative improvements with its annotation features. On top of that, this tool will help you save videos not only on Telegram but also on other platforms that may restrict the Download feature.
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