Anime is a hand-drawn and computer-generated animation that started during the 20th century. Japanese animation gained recognition during the post-World War II period and continues to gain popularity. With the help of this article, you can catch up on the top 15 most popular anime characters in 2024, and we will also introduce the most reliable tool for screen-capturing your top favorite anime character.

Part 1. Top 15 Most Popular Anime Characters in 2024

Anime charters captivate audiences worldwide because of their unforgettable storytelling or sometimes because of their amazing graphics and design. Anime lovers tend to have their favorite characters that significantly impact them. Learned more about this iconic anime character from old and new anime series that gained popularity in 2024.

No 1. Goku

Goku is the main character from the series Dragon Ball Z, which started in 1986. Goku is a protagonist in the series and a very iconic character because of their exceptional skills in every battle. He is a hero who embodies determination and hard work. That makes him widely known by different anime fans. Still, it's not only about his role in the series but also the design and graphics of Son Goku, which also give him popularity and inspiration in various anime characters worldwide.

Goku Character

No. 2 Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo is the protagonist in the 2004 series Bleach. He is a human thrown into the supernatural world and begins his adventures when Rukia Kunchiki accidentally transfers her powers to him. Fans love the series because of its storyline and unique style and disposition.

Ichigo Character

No. 3 Naruto

Naruto is also the main character in the Naruto Series, which started in 2002 and has 220 episodes. Naruto became popular because of its storyline, which is about the life adventure of an overconfident young boy who believes in his goals and gives everything he can to protect his clan and friends. Naruto became more famous for its hand movement and lines in every battle. Many fans use Naruto as inspiration in every cost-playing competition.

Naruto Character

No. 4 Ken Kaneki

Ken is from the 2014 series Tokyo Ghoul, which portrays violence and supernatural thrillers. Kaneki, the protagonist, gained popularity because of his transition from a naive human to a unique one-eyed ghoul, which became a selling point for fans. The storyline captivated the fans as it dealt with suffering and sacrifices.

Ken Character

No. 5 Kakashi

Kakashi is from the Naruto series, which started in 2002. Hatake Kakashi, or Copy Ninja, is widely known as Naruto's guide and mentor, but this is not the only reason he captivates anime fans' eyes. Kakashi has tragic backstories that make the audience curious about his characters. With many plot twists involving him, he has made a mark on the hearts of many audiences.

Kakashi Chracter

No. 6 Saitama

Saitama is from the One Punch Man Series, which started in 2015. Saitama is the protagonist of the stories; fans see Saitama as an inspiration because of their dedication to becoming a hero; he works and follows every routine he needs to take to become a hero. His unbelievable strength and signature one-punch make him famous.

Saitama Character

No. 7 Levi

Levi is from Attack on Titan, which started in 2013 and gained popularity. Levi Ackerman captivates the hearts of many anime lovers. In the series, Levi is one of the strongest human soldiers, having proven himself in many battles.

Levi Character

No. 8 Gon

Gon is from the 2011 series Hunter X Hunter. He became a likable character in the series because of his determined personality. Gon Freecss Started his adventure to find his father, and many anime lovers followed his story, amazed by his small appearance and full packs of powers and disposition.

Gon Character

No. 9 Zoro

Zoro is from the series One Piece, the series started in 1999. Zoro became famous among fans because he is the right-hand Luffy. Still, it's not the only reason Zoro became famous: his unique personality style, fantastic design appearance, and three-sword style anime fans locked their eyes on the future Pirate King's right-hand Zoro.

Zoro Character

No. 10 Midoriya

Midoriya is from the My Hero Academia series, released in 2016. Izuku Midoriya wants to follow in the footsteps of the top heroes of the time, but he was born without any sort of unique quirk. People were captivated by his dedication and determination to achieve his goals, which made him famous until he inherited all the peculiarities and excelled in every battle.

Midoriya Character

No. 11 Edward Elric

Edward Elric is a protagonist in the 2009 series Fullmetal Alchemist. The story is about a little boy who believes that alchemy will bring his dead mother back to life until he grows up. Edward's story and adventure captured the audience and made him one of the top characters in 2024.

Edward Character

No. 12 Angelo Lagusa

Angelo is from the 91 Days series, which will be released in 2016. He is born to be a monster, and his excellent temperament and deductive skills make him unique. Angelo's revenge stories make him close to the hearts of anime fans.

Angelo Character

No. 13 Light Yagami

Light is from the series Death Note, which was released in 2006. Yagami's complicated character makes the show more attractive to the audience; his character, God of the New World, makes noises around the world, making him one of the top characters in the anime industry.

Light Character

No. 14 Gojo

Gojo is from the Jujutsu Kaisen series that was released in 2020. Satoru Goju gets more fans than the main protagonist because of his remarkable personality and because he genuinely cares for his students. Also, he proves himself to be the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, making fans crazy about him.

Gojo Character

No. 15 Luffy

Luffy is the protagonist in the series One Piece, released in 1999. Luffy is known for his upbeat characteristics. Fans become interested in his journey as he aspires to become a pirate king and the most accessible man on the sea; through his impeccable abilities and overcoming different challenges, the fans love his journey and make him one of the top characters.

Luffy Character

Part 2. Easily Capture Your Favorite Anime Characters in High Quality

AVAide Screen Recorder is one of the best tools for capturing your favorite character. This tool offers an excellent capture experience with unlimited options in capturing and quickly switching between a complete capture and an area capture. AVAide Screen Recorder has added new functions for recording up to 60 fps HD, including 1080p.

Avaide Screen Recorder Interface

Part 3. FAQs about Anime Characters

What are the criteria for selecting the top 15 anime characters?

The selection is based on popularity, contribution, impact on the anime industry, and the character's ability to connect with the audience.

Is it illegal to screen-capture anime characters in a series?

It depends on the purpose. It is generally okay if you use the screen capture for personal use and do not intend to use it in any illegal transactions. However, remember the purpose and context of screen capturing your favorite anime character.

What are the traits of famous anime characters in 2024?

The common traits include complex personality, emotional resonance, relatability and strong motivation to the audience.


We hope this article has guided you on how to screen capture your favorite anime characters. If you are wondering about the Top latest anime characters in 2024, check out the above-mentioned characters. Do not hesitate to share your opinions with us!

By Jane Pineda on Jul 30, 2024

Record screen, audio, webcam, gameplay, online meetings, as well as iPhone/Android screen on your computer.

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